All the latest news from Infobase Europe

JCS2018: From Digital Literacy to Independent Learning

Infobase will shortly be announcing an exciting new UK schools initiative and link-up with the innovative team at JCS Online Resources. In advance of that announcement we wanted to make our newsletter readers aware of a truly exciting educational literacy and learning conference organised and hosted by the JCS team at Aston University in Birmingham

Shining a Light: Today’s Science reports on the winners of the 2018 Nobel Prize for Physics

October is always an extremely busy month for the editors of Infobase’s Today’s Science educational resource and database which serves to present all of the latest real-world news on discoveries and advances in the worlds of chemistry, biology, environmental science, space, physics, and technology. A key contributor to the month’s workload is the announcement of the

Three Infobase Resources Win EDDIES

By Patrice Keville Infobase is proud to announce that three Infobase online resources have been selected as winners of The ComputED Gazette’s 22nd Annual Education Software Review Awards (EDDIES). The EDDIES, according to The ComputED Gazette, “target innovative and content-rich programs and websites (including apps for iOS and Android) that augment the classroom curriculum and improve teacher

Ben Jacobs on increasing database usage in schools and libraries

This month’s feature article focusses on a key element of every librarian’s and educator’s role: how to lead one’s students to water and then to make them drink. Infobase director Ben Jacobs puts forward some excellent ideas, tips and reflections which we hope you can test out in the weeks ahead. Read our September Feature article here.